Exploring the Benefits, Safety and Convenience of Kibble Diets

Exploring the Benefits, Safety and Convenience of Kibble Diets

Just as human diet trends come and go, so do dog diets. Lately, you may have noticed an uptick in chatter about raw food diets for dogs. While there's no denying that raw food can present some benefits, it’s important to recognize the valuable role kibble – the good kind – can play in a dog's diet.

First and foremost, safety comes to mind. Kibble is often processed at high temperatures which kill potentially harmful bacteria. This step is critical as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as the Food and Drug Administration, caution against feeding raw diets to pets due to the risk of exposing both the pet and its owner to disease-causing bacteria or even parasites.

Then, there’s the question of convenience. Kibble is long-lasting, easy to dish out, and storage- friendly. There's no need to worry about meals spoiling in the fridge or spending extra time painstakingly preparing each meal. With kibble, feeding your dog is as simple as pouring out the right portion size.

And let's not forget the economic angle. Buying in bulk can be cost-effective and easy on your wallet. Given that quality kibble like the varieties formulated by Kinetic Dog Food offers a nutritionally balanced meal, it is safe to say that kibble can be a win-win for both you and your furry friend!