Meeting the Unique Nutritional Needs of Performance Dogs with Kinetic

Meeting the Unique Nutritional Needs of Performance Dogs with Kinetic

Performance dogs have unique nutritional requirements. Their highly active lives necessitate a diet that provides optimal energy, supports muscle recovery, and promotes overall health. Here at Kinetic Dog Food, we’ve committed ourselves to providing nothing but the best for your canine friends.

What sets Kinetic Performance Dog Food apart? We focus heavily on health-driven ingredients. We use 100% natural proteins, like chicken and fish, providing your dogs with necessary amino acids required for muscle development and maintenance. To keep your dogs in their peak condition, we also offer formulas with 26% protein and 16% fat that are specifically designed for active and working dogs.

But it's not about protein alone. We understand that balanced nutrition is crucial for canine health. Our products also contain a unique blend of healthy fats, antioxidants, essential minerals, and dietary fiber. We've harnessed the power of Omega 3 fatty acids to support your dog's immune system, improve coat health, and provide anti-inflammatory benefits. We also add prebiotics and probiotics to promote a healthy digestive system.

Moreover, we always do our best to go above and beyond standard nutrition. We strictly adhere to the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) guidelines to ensure quality and nutritional adequacy. In fact, our dog food was developed in association with professional dog nutritionists and breeders.

Your dog's health is our top priority. By choosing Kinetic, you’re choosing unparalleled nutrition tailored for your dog's active lifestyle.