Tony Petrea
Tony has been an avid bird hunter for 14 years. His love for bird hunting started with his first German Shorthaired Pointer, Belle. There was something exceptional about that dog that taught many lessons. While she is still alive, her hunting days are through but she continues to be a faithful companion. He now relies more on Coco (6) and Bailey (3) to do most of the work afield.
Growing up in Illinois, he can recall hearing quail whistling in fence rows at dusk. Back then the quail population in downstate Illinois was very abundant and has dwindled due to the use of modern farming practices. The quail population is on a steady comeback which is a good sign for our future bird hunters. Tony is a member of the local Quail Forever chapter in Clinton County.
After several years of hunting controlled pheasants in the state’s controlled release program, he decided that there was something more to share with bird hunting. That’s when the creation of Bird Dog Mafia came around. It was created as a way rekindle an interest in upland hunting for people and kids. By posting hunt photos, dog photos and donating hunts to various local charities, Bird Dog Mafia has helped to get people regardless of their shooting ability or physical ability in to the field and harvest a few birds.
Although his full-time job isn’t bird hunting, training or operating a hunt club, he takes his hobby very seriously and loves to share his passion for bird dogs and bird hunting. When not hunting, he enjoys spending time with his wife Shannon and son Carson.